Conditions générales de vente

Version 1 — 08-Mar-2022

Courtesy translation for informational purposes only. The definitive version of these Terms and Conditions is the German version.

1. User

These Terms and Conditions are used by

Volker Lamp
Ebertallee 22
22607 Hamburg
— also referred to as "Logbook Tailor".

2. Applicability

2.1 These Terms and Conditions are applicable only to contracts between Logbook Tailor and a Customer, initiated or concluded via the website ("the Website").

2.2 The version valid at the time of order is the relevant version.

3. Logbook Design

3.1 On the website, users can create individual logbook designs and order printed copies of those logbooks. The logbooks are designed and created by the users themselves on the website, using the "Logbook Configurator".

3.2 The user himself/herself is responsible for every aspect of the design. The user exempts Logbook Tailor from liabilitiy claims made by Third Parties, to the extent the user is responsible for the infringement (e.g. unauthorised use of trademarks, photos, personal data etc.).

4. Price

The seeling price depends on the logbook design, the delivery address, optional additional services and applicable Value Added Tax (VAT). The price with its components is displayed in the order form.

5. Purchase Order and Conclusion of Contract

5.1 The conditions displayed on the website are not binding for Logbook Tailor. The fact that an individually designed logbook and a price are displayed to the user is not to be understood as a legally binding offer from Logbook Tailor to the user, but as an invitation to the user to order that logbook from Logbook Tailor.

5.2 By placing an order, the customer submits a legally binding offer to Logbook Tailor, valid for at least two business days. The transaction number displayed on the website immediately after order submission or in an email sent immediately after order submission is not to be understood as the acceptance of the order.

5.3 The contract is concluded by Logbook Tailor accepting the order and sending an order confirmation to the customer. Logbook Tailor is not obligated to accept an order.

6. Payment

6.1 The payment of the purchase price is due immediately after the constract is concluded, that is, before the individually designed logbook is manufactured and dispatched.

6.2 The payment must be done via the Stripe ( payment service, offering credit card payments, and potentially other forms of payment.

6.3 All payment details have to be provided already in the order form. However, the payment is not going to be effected until after the contract is concluded. Should Logbook Tailor opt not to enter into the contract no payment will be effected, of course.

7. Shipping and Delivery Time

7.1 The delivery time varies with Logbook Tailor's current order situation. The maximum delivery time is three weeks after receipt of payment.

7.2 A delivery time indication does not establish a fixed date contract. In case of delays for which Logbook Tailor is not responsible, the customer must specify a reasonable extension. A single delay does not entitle the customer to step back from the contract.

8. Warranty

8.1 Statutory warranty rights are applicable unless otherwise stated below.

8.2 No warranty rights can be claimed if the supplied items if the deviation from the contractural condition is insignificant, or if the contractural or common use of the item is impaired only insignificantly. Insignificant claims include, but are not limited to::

8.3 Obvious defects must be indicated to Logbook Tailor immediately, but no later than two weeks after receipt of the logbook. Thereafter, any warranty claims are void.

9. Right of revocation

Unlike with many goods purchased online, customers are not entitled to revoking the contract within 14 days as Logbook Tailor logbooks are individually designed and manufactured goods (see §312g para. 2 no. 1 BGB). The order form contains a condition (check box) that must be agreed with before the order form can be submitted, redundant to this clause.

10. Final provisions

10.1 The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded.

10.2 If the customer is a merchant, the place of jurisdiction shall be Hamburg.

10.3 There are no verbal ancillary agreements. Text form is required for ancillary agreements. This also applies to the text form requirement.